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come visit

Torre del Greco, (NA)

- Pastry shops

Via V. Veneto, 2  - Tel. 0818811541

Via A. Moro, - Tel. 0818814688

Via Nazionale, 839 - Tel. 0818471786

Ice cream shops

Via V. Veneto, 20 - Tel. 0818814755

Via Roma, 50 -also Frozen Yogurt -Tel. 08118567254


Portici, (NA)


- Pastry shop

Via Libertà, 50-52 - Tel. 0817768621

- Ice cream shop

Viale L. Da Vinci, - Tel. 0817763057




- Pastry shop

Via G. Carducci, 50-52 - Tel. 081403985

- Ice cream shops Umberto I, 369 - Tel. 08118135656 Umberto I, 16 -also Frozen Yogurt - Tel. 08118163911

Via Toledo, 110 - Tel. 081404458

P.zza Dante, 73 - Tel. 08118583807

P.zza Trieste and Trento, - Tel. 081421662

Via G. Carducci, 45 - Tel. 081426026

Via Scarlatti, - Tel. 0815580171

Piazza degli Artisti, 1-2 - Tel. 08119202462

Via G. Leopardi, - Tel.




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